High - 84
Low - 46
Today we decided it was time to go to Madera Canyon to do some birding. It's a national park about an hour south of Tucson and typically gets some unusual birds, including the Elegant Trogan and a number of hummingbirds. The lower part is at about 5000 feet and has rather scrubby vegetation and even some cactus. But the upper areas are wooded with oaks and pines, reminiscent of the California foothills.
This trail started at about 5400 feet and climbed rapidly.
Unfortunately, this area has received very little rain (.21 inches since October in Tucson) so most streams were dry. That may account for the almost total absence of birds.
We had our lunch at a lower picnic area and then tried the streamside trail there. Fortunately, there was a little water there, so we found a few more birds.
Our best find was a White-breasted Nuthatch pair nesting in a hole in a tree. This female (I'm sure it's the female, because the other one was standing around and supervising) was so busy adding leaves to the nest that she never even new I was there.
We found this guy sunning on a rock. He looks ferocious, but he was only about 6 inches long.
We did have a nice hike, and the weather, as usual, was gorgeous.