Monday, February 7, 2011

After the Cold


High - 68
Low - 31

We've survived the cold of last week, but not everyone was as lucky.  About 14,000 homes in Tucson had no heat because there was an interruption in the natural gas supply.  After it came back, workers from the gas company had to visit each home and relight pilot lights.  There are still some out.  We were chilly in the mornings, because we have a heat pump and it doesn't handle really cold weather very well.

But a lot of the plants in the park really suffered.  All the citrus trees were loaded with fruit, but it has all turned to mush and the leaves are starting to fall off the trees. This is a lemon tree across from us.

Most cactuses fared well, but this type didn't make it.

And a lot of the aloes collapsed.

On a  happier note, we went to Sweetwater Wetlands (aka Tucson's waste water treatment plant).  They have developed it into a really nice bird habitat.  There were more Northern Shovelers than I have ever seen in one place.  We met a local man who leads birding trips and with his help we were able to see a Black and White Warbler and a Summer Tanager.  We also found a Harris' Hawk.  The guide told us that every evening thousands of Yellow-headed Blackbirds come into the area to roost.  We hope to get back there soon to see that.

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