Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fruit Loop - July 13, 2011

We went back on the road today, doing the Hood River County Fruit Loop. It's about a 35 mile loop from Hood River into the fruit growing region.  They grow cherries, apples, pear, and several kinds of berries.

The cherries were ripe, so we stopped and bought some Rainiers.  They were wonderful.

We bought a sandwich in Parkdale and ate at at the side of the road in an apple orchard.

The area is so beautiful, with rolling hills and Mt. Hood in the background. 

After our trip we stopped in town to walk a trail along Indian Creek, where we could see the old pipe that used to carry the town's water supply. 

But the best part of the whole day was a phone call we received to tell us our floors are finished.  Yay!!!  We're heading home tomorrow and hope to sleep in our own bed tomorrow night.

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