Tuesday, October 16, 2012

September 30, 2012

Laundry day!  After spending a couple of hours in a really yucky laundromat, we're back on track.

We took the subway again, with the idea of going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  Our subway had a problem.  At one of the stations the doors would not open.  After 15 or 20 minutes, they were opened manually and everyone was asked to get out and wait for the next car.  Rather than waiting, we decided to walk up Madison Avenue.  It was a fun walk.  Since it was Sunday, a lot of the people out were locals rather than the tourists we shad seen on Fifth Avenue.

At home we always enjoy seeing the outrageous women's shoes in the ads in the New York Times.  So we decided to see what we could find.  Here's our choice for the winner.  It gives new meaning to the term 'spike heels.'

By the time we got to the museum, we had decided to walk in Central Park instead.  It was a lovely day, with a few clouds.  But first we had lunch at a neat cafe on Madison Avenue.

We had a nice walk in Central Park.  It was Sunday, so it was fairly crowded, but it's such an amazing place.  We even got in a little birding.

We took the subway back to the hotel and went to Pad Thai for supper.  

Total miles walked today:  7.3

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