Today's weather:
High - 65
Low - 48
We took advantage of a cool day today to do some hiking in Sabino Canyon. This is a recreation area in the Santa Catalina Mountains just to the north of Tucson. It's actually several canyons, with riparian areas between stretches of desert vegetation. We hiked about two miles up Bear Canyon, then back down. It was a bit difficult because much of the trail is rocky and uneven. You can cheat and take a shuttle to the top and walk down. Maybe we'll try that next time. We had hoped to find some birds, but we didn't have much luck.
Last Saturday we went to an open house at the local Master Gardeners demonstration garden. So guess what! More flower pictures!
This one's called Bignonia, or Queen of Sheba.
This is Tecoma 'Orange Jubilee'.
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