Today's weather:
High - 81
Low - 61
There are so many plants blooming here right now, and most of them are plants I've never seen. So I thought I'd include some of my favorites. This little guy is right at the corner of our driveway. I assume it's a native.
Here's another native that's growing along the wash behind us.
This is ocotillo, my favorite of all the cactuses. It usually blooms in May, but we've found quite a few blooming now.
The rest of these are in people's yards, so I assume they are not natives. But they sure are pretty.
This one has flowers that look like sweet peas, but the vine is very large and dense.
The bougainvilleas grow like weeds here.
This one is a chilopsis, desert willow.
This one looks kind of like a butterfly bush, but it's a huge tree.
I'll report again later when other things bloom.
Enjoying the beauty of the area via your blog. Thanks. We are set for a Feb. stay.